Meaning of Built-up area, Super built-up area, and Carpet area

Meaning of Built-up area, Super built-up area, and Carpet area

When you’re buying a home, it’s crucial to understand the different area measurements used in real estate. You’ll often come across terms like built-up area, super built-up area, and carpet area. Though they may sound similar, they actually refer to different aspects of a property. In this blog, we’ll explain the difference between floor area and carpet area, and also why it’s important to understand built-up area and super built-up area before making a decision on a home.

So, I assume that you want to know about property investment and related terms. In this blog, I will let you know the meaning of some important terms. These terms are very important when you have to buy a residential property. These terms are a must to know.

So, when you visit any construction company for buying or taking rent of any flat. Then you come in contact with terms like built-up area, super built-up area, and carpet area. Do you know what the built-up area, super built-up area, and carpet area are? If you do not know, I am here to let you know. Whether you are buying a home or taking rent! You must have to understand these terms.

So, let us understand everything here:

Real Estate terms can be a little bit complicated sometimes. The terms like carpet area meaning, super built-up area meaning, and built-up area meaning may sound a little bit confusing a lot of times.

But the best part is you can understand these terms very simply if you take some care.

First of all, whenever comes the term area. We mean the extent of a two-dimensional region. When it comes to real estate, there are three ways of measuring the area or the square footage. These areas are built-up area, super built-up area, and carpet area. While they might sound similar, these areas are entirely different from each other.

What is a Built-up area?

The built-up area means the area that is the sum of the carpet area and the area occupied by the walls of the flat. The area occupied by the walls aka the wall area is the thickness of the inner walls in the house.

The built-up area also consists of other areas of the flat such as a balcony and a terrace. These areas can contribute to up to ten percent of the total built-up area.

The area which makes up the walls is usually around 20 percent of the total built-up area. The other additional areas make up around 10 percent. Therefore, if you say that the built-up area is 1400 sq ft, around 30 percent of it ( i.e., 420 sq ft) is not usable. And hence the actual space you will be using is only the remaining area (i.e., around 780 sq ft).

You should note one more important point is that if the wall shares its boundary with another unit. You will have to calculate it at 50 percent. If the wall is not shared with another unit. you will have to calculate it at 100 percent.

How to Calculate Built-up Area?

The build-up area (BUA) of a building is the area covered by the structure and its vertical
projections, such as balconies and stairs. It is calculated by adding the horizontal
projections from each floor and subtracting the areas of doors and windows.
Built-up Area= Carpet Area + Wall Areas + Terrace and Balcony + Exclusive Corridor

What is a Super built-up area?

The term Super built-up area means usually the area mentioned by a builder. The area is the total sum of the built-up area and the common areas, including the staircases, corridor, and the lift lobby. In other words, the meaning of super built-up area is the total space, both private and shared, that you pay for in a property.

Additionally, it has also been seen that some builders even include the swimming pool area, garden area, indoor sports room area, and clubhouse area while calculating the common area. The construction builder charges you on the basis of the total super built-up area. That is the reason, the Super built-up area is also known as the ‘saleable’ area.

Although the super built-up areas do not include compound walls areas, open-to-sky swimming pools areas, open sports facilities areas, weather sheds areas, inaccessible flower beds areas, lofts areas, common open-to-sky terraces areas, underground sumps areas, and water or septic tanks areas.

How to Calculate Super Built-up Area?

The Super Build-Up Area is calculated using the Floor Area Ratio (FAR). It’s the ratio of maximum floor area to the total area of the building site. It is usually expressed as a percentage. Super built-up area = Built-up area + proportionate common area

What is a Carpet Area?

The term carpet area means the area that is going to be covered by a carpet in the flat. It can be understood as the apartment area, where we exclude the area of the thickness of inner walls.

The carpet area is the main area that you will get to use in your home. The carpet area does not include the space covered by the common areas. These common areas include the lobby, stairs, play area, and lift. So when you are going to buy a house. You must know what is the total carpet area. It is because it is the carpet area that you will be using. The carpet area is the actual space or area inside your house where you will be moving.

By looking at the carpet area, you can get an idea of the available area in the kitchen, bedroom, dining room, and living room. Sometimes, the carpet area also includes a specific percentage of additional areas like the balcony and terrace.

How to Calculate Carpet Area?

The carpet area is the sum of all areas of an apartment. To calculate carpet area first you need to measure the apartment available in square meters. Let us assume that we have a 25 square meters apartment. Now we need to measure all the walls of the apartment and add their areas to get the total carpet area. Next subtract the area of the openings such as doors, windows, and the kitchen area. Here are the steps to calculate carpet area: Carpet area = (area of bedroom + living room + kitchen + balconies + toilets) – the thickness of the inner walls.

What is the difference Between Built-up area, Super
built-up area, And Carpet Area?

AreaBuilt up areaSuper built up areaSuper built up area
BedroomYes Yes Yes
Living roomYes Yes Yes
BathroomYes Yes Yes
KitchenYes Yes Yes
Study roomYes Yes Yes
Guest roomYes Yes Yes
Kid’s roomYes Yes Yes
Dining roomYes Yes Yes
LobbyNo YesNo
Balcony Yes YesNo
External staircase Yes YesNo
Internal staircase Yes Yes Yes
Pooja room Yes Yes Yes
Terrace Yes YesNo
Lift Yes YesNo
Verandah Yes YesNo
GardenNoNo Yes


Now, you have understood all these terms so well. This understanding and knowledge will help you when you will buy your residential flats in Patna. This will help you in making smart choices in the real estate investment sector. So, my advice is to keep yourself informed. Make a wise investment in the right place and save good money too.

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